What Knowledge Do Personal Trainers Need
Personal trainers need a basic understanding of what constitutes a healthy diet to provide clients with maximum energy and give them the healthiest body possible.
When it comes to personal training though, a trainer’s role is to help people’s bodies perform at their best and, therefore, a personal trainer may need to provide advice about nutrition and have an understanding of how the client may be affected by their diet.
A healthy diet helps clients achieve maximal gains
Whether the client has embarked on a training program to lose weight, increase sport performance or simply to have a healthier lifestyle, clients should follow the principles of a healthy diet in order to gain the most positive effects from their training. This doesn’t mean they should significantly reduce their calorie or food intake, but it does mean that their personal trainer should encourage them to have a healthy balanced diet to make the most benefits from their fitness regime.
Clients may ask for nutritional advice
As their personal trainer, a client may ask you for advice when it comes to eating healthily and what is the best diet for sport.
It is important that a personal trainer has a clear grasp of nutrition in order to provide them with professional advice. At Entire Training, we ensure that all of our personal trainers are educated in nutrition on our fitness courses and also on how to provide advice in the industry.
A healthy diet aids recovery and prevents injury
As well as the time spent training itself, recovery time is equally important for a person to make positive gains from their fitness regime.
During their recovery days and even following a training session, the food the client eats will help recover the muscle that has been acutely damaged during training. This will inevitably strengthen the muscle and make the client fitter.
In the same way that a healthy balanced diet aids recovery, it can also help to avoid injury. This is important when it comes to consistency and motivation during training.
Personal trainer courses that include education on nutrition
Of course, with most personal trainer training courses you will be educated on nutrition. However, at Entire Training, we examine in more detail the importance of nutrition to help prepare our trainers for the profession.
Our Level 3 Award in Nutrition for Physical Activity is an extremely popular course that looks at nutrition in more detail. It includes sports nutrition, balancing diets, managing weight and scrutinizing food labels to fully understand nutritional values. Not only will it help you as a personal trainer, it may influence your own food choices too.
Contact Entire Training
For more information on our exclusive fitness qualifications you can contact a member of the Entire Training team by calling [phone-links] (North) or 0203 8418880 (South). Alternatively, you can contact us online and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
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