Entire Training Wishes You a Merry Christmas!
As this turbulent year comes to a close and the winter months are closing in, we just wanted to wish our loyal customers a Merry Christmas and a happy new year from the team here at Entire Training!
We know it’s been a tough one, and we’re grateful for all of our lovely trainers and students for helping us through the difficult times where so many other businesses have had to close down.
On that note, we hope that, when all this madness is over, we can continue to develop and grow into the new year with our network of learners and tutors.
Although it’s been a tough year for the gym and personal training industry, Diverse Trainers have adapted, providing great lockdown training plans to help you power through the perilous lockdowns and continue training.
As well as bringing to life lots of remarkable professional working relationships with our partners, we have also had the pleasure of engaging with some wonderful students who have enabled us to continue to expand.
Entire Training would like to make it known that we recognise the impact our partners and learners have had in making our business a success. We are always striving to improve our qualifications and expanding our course range to accommodate trainers’ needs. From a beginner Gym Instructor course to specialised qualifications like the Sports Massage Course and Group Indoor Cycling Instructor Course.
In 2021, Entire Training will continue to help our trainers to develop the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in the health and fitness industry and the ‘new normal’ that will follow.
Start the New Year with Entire Training
So, as we approach the festive period, we would like to send a sincere thank you and best wishes to you all. It is with great appreciation that we recognise that without your contribution our progress would not have been possible.
If you’d like to start the new year with a new career, or perhaps further your career within the fitness industry, get in touch with Entire Training for our range of health and fitness courses.
For more information, you can call us on 01772 910950 (North) or 0203 8418880 (South) or contact the friendly team online.
Find out more about the leading UK based personal training qualification provider.
We Are Proud to work With The Following Partners and Accreditation